1. admin@pbusbd.org : admin :
  2. creativemoshiur@gmail.com : Developer Moshiur : Developer Moshiur
  3. shuvoranjansarker@gmail.com : Shuvo : Shuvo Ranjan
  4. tariqul.pbus@gmail.com : Tariqul Islam : Tariqul Islam


Group formations are the primary and important element of the organization among the target group. The target group is always scattered and they are not organized. So it is the prior work to organize them into groups and reach the project input there so that they could bring their changes through their group activities. Regular savings and credit disbursement for employment creation and income rising art the important work of the groups towards institution building Institution are the main of the groups. Group formation has been considered as an entry program of PBUS and groups on normally formed with 100% poor and underprivileged people. The basic concept of PBUS Development is not possible for the total development of female participation.

The development works than possible to the total development. So PBUS has been giving emphasis on the development of women, as they are the most disadvantaged group in society.

Unit wise group members and saving information are shown below :

 districts covered  Thana covered  Union covered  Ward covered  groups covered  beneficiaries covered  savings amount Tk.
04 10 80 435 1786 8932 31937315



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