1. admin@pbusbd.org : admin :
  2. creativemoshiur@gmail.com : Developer Moshiur : Developer Moshiur
  3. tariqul.pbus@gmail.com : Tariqul Islam : Tariqul Islam

Founder & Chief Executive

Our aim is to render services to the needy and poor people irrespective of cost. Creed and religion through savings group. Income generating. training, advocacy on health & gender issue. nutrition environmental development activities. As you to though the report you will find that Palli Bandhu Unnayan Sangstha (PBUS) has done a tremendous work among the needy and poor people and children for their socio-economic development. We express our sincerely, appreciation to board members, staffs for their generous and sincere contribution and co-operating in out effort to minister to the needy and suffering humanity in our project areas. Our efforts were very limited compared with the vast needs of the country. Yet we have given our best to the cause of suffering humanity and contributed our mite towards the national development. We have also passed a learning process and gathered experience process for more than one decade, which has helped us a lot of shape our strategies of achieving goal. It is our great pleasure to seek suggestions, advice and feedback from any corners at home and aboard for carrying out our activities successfully. We are of getting their assistance and cooperation in the future as before.


Chief Executive


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ডিজাইন ও কারিগরি সহযোগিতায়: Akash IT Limited