1. admin@pbusbd.org : admin :
  2. creativemoshiur@gmail.com : Developer Moshiur : Developer Moshiur
  3. shuvoranjansarker@gmail.com : Shuvo : Shuvo Ranjan
  4. tariqul.pbus@gmail.com : Tariqul Islam : Tariqul Islam


Training can play an important role to bring socio-economic changes. It helps people to acquire knowledge and develop skills. To get training means a learning process. At present training has been playing a very strong role in the development of disadvantaged people. As a development organization, PBUS also puts special emphasis on training. The recipients of training are the stalls of the organization and its beneficiaries. The staff members need the training to improve their efficiency so that they can serve their beneficiaries, especially the women group members in a better way. Beneficiaries are trained to build awareness, acquire knowledge, and develop their skill. So the group members of the organization received human development training for building awareness, acquiring knowledge, and skill development training. Regarding staff training PBUS generally sends its staff members to various training-given agencies. But the human development training course for the beneficiaries are generally organized and conducted by PBUS itself. For skill development training courses. PBUS hires experts and resource persons from outsides (Govt. agencies and the NGOs who are locally available). Details of staff & beneficiaries. PBUS categorizes its training services in two major areas.


*  Human development training for staff’s level.

*  Skill development training for beneficiaries’ level.

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